建设高素质公安队伍 ,关键在教育 ,广大青年警官的培养关乎公安队伍的未来 ,因此 ,提高公安队伍素质和战斗力的重要措施 ,在于坚定不移地走政治建警和科教强警之路。发展公安教育是科教强警的根本大计 ,各级公安机关要从战略的高度出发 ,高度重视公安教育工作。而思想政治工作则是统摄公安队伍教育的灵魂 ,要培养新型高素质警官 ,必须狠抓思想政治工作这一生命线。
The key of building up police team of high quality is education, the cultivation of the young police officer has an important bearing on the future of the police team, important measures to improve the quality of the police team and combating forces, therefore, lie in following the way of building up the police with politics and strengthening the police with scientific education. It's an essential policy to strengthen the police with scientific education through improving the police education, police organs at all levels should firmly grasp police education work from strategically highlight. Ideological work is the soul of the police team education; we must pay close attention to the lifeline of ideological work to foster new type of police officers of high quality.
Journal of Liaoning Police Academy