文章设想用公安交通指挥中心设置的交通电视监控系统所获取的路况信息 ,在交通主干线的主要路口设置大屏幕显示设备 ,由交通指挥中心及时发布问题路段路况信息 ,以便使驾驶员们及时掌握路况信息 ,选择最佳行驶路线 ,自动实现交通远距离截流 ,解决、预防城市道路交通阻塞问题 ,实现城市道路交通的畅通。
The article proposes a tentative idea on obtaining traffic information through traffic TV monitor system in the traffic guidance center, setting large screen facilities at crossings on the major roads, releasing in-time traffic information by the traffic control center to ensure drivers get the road information in time and select the best route, intercepting traffic at a long distance to resolve and prevent traffic jam in the city and make the city road clear.
Journal of Liaoning Police Academy