In this paper, ANSYS software was used to analyze the ultimateaxial bearing capacityat the age of 60 days of expansive concrete filled steel tube withcontent of expansive agent was 6%, 8%, 10%, 12% and 20%, respectively.The finite element analysis results and experimental results were compared with each other. The results show that the ultimate axial bearing capacity of concrete filled steel tube increases first and then decreases with the addition of expansive agent content, which reaches to maximum when expansive agent content is 12%, and has been improved 9.4%compared with the ultimate axial bearing capacity of ordinary concrete filled steel tube. The finite element analysis results are higher than the experimental results, but both of them are in good agreement. Therefore, ANSYS software can be used to simulate the ultimate axial bearing capacity of expansive concrete filled steel tube.
Expansive Agents & Expansive Concrete
expansive concrete filled steel tube
finite element
ultimate bearing capacity