SCIENTIA SINICA Informationis定位:发表信息领域最高学术水平的中文文章,包括计算机科学与技术、控制科学与控制工程、信息与通信工程、微电子与固体电子学等领域的理论、工程技术和应用研究方面的原创性成果.推动信息科学技术发展,搭建理论与技术应用的桥梁,促进与各学科、各行业的交叉融合.月刊,每月20日出版.栏目:评述、论文、快报、学术介绍.检索:被《中文核心期刊要目总览》、《中国科学引文数据库》、《中国期刊全文数据库》、《中国科技论文与引文数据库》、《中国数字化期刊群》等收录.
SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences is a peer-reviewed monthly academic journal supervised by the Chinese Academy of Scien ces,and co-sp on sored by the Chinese Academy of Scien ces and the National Natural Science Foundation of China.Its primary mission is to encourage communication of basic and innovative research results of high quality in the fields of information sciences.The subject areas featured in elude computer scie rice and tech nology,control science and engi neeri ng,in formation and 8mmunication engineering,microelectronics and solid state electronics,etc.All papers should be intelligible for a broad scientific audienee.Contributions are invited from researchers all over the world.
Scientia Sinica(Informationis)