本文旨在分析Krashen的二语习得假说与我国外语教学的不适合性。从我国外语教学的实际出发 ,分析了学习外语的特殊性 :1、外语教学不具备大量丰富、真实的语言学习环境;2、外语学习者不具备第二语言学习者的明确的归附型学习动机;3、外语学习过程是“有意识的”过程,并非“下意识的”“拾遗”过程;4、我国外语学习者起步太迟 ,年龄偏大。由此得出结论 :我国的外语教学不能完全照搬第二语言习得假说 ,而应该在借鉴的基础上逐步摸索一条适合我国特点的外语教学路子。
The purpose of this paper is to test the inadaptability of Krashen's second language acquisition hypohesis to the foreign language teaching in China. Based on the specific conditions such as: lack of plentiful,authentic situation, lack of the definite instrumental motivation,a conscious learning process and the relatively late beginning ages of learners, this paper draws a conclusion that theory of second language in western country is not suitable for Chinese situation.
Journal of Nantong Vocational University