目的 探讨盆腔结核对妇科恶性肿瘤预后的影响。方法 对我院自1959年2月~1984年10月间收治的11例妇科恶性肿瘤合并盆腔结核的患者进行回顾性分析。结果 本组1例有家族肿瘤史,2例有12年的肺结核史。临床症状为盆腔肿物、阴道不规则流血、阴道不适、发热、腹痛、腹泻、恶心呕吐、尿频。输卵管癌3例,卵巢无性细胞瘤1例,卵巢癌2例,宫颈癌5例。本组存活时间均超过10年,最长31年,平均20.5年。结论 恶性肿瘤与结核病均为机体免疫功能低下时易发的疾病,但当二者并发时患者的生存期并无缩短,二者问的相互影响有待深入研究。
Objective To discuss the effect of pelvic tuberculosis to the anticipation of gynecological malignant tumor. Methods A retrospective study of 11 patients with gynecological malignant tumor and pelvic tuberculosis from February 1959 to October 1984 was performed. Result One patient has family history of tumor, two patients has tuberculosis history for 12 years.The clinical symptoms were pelvic mass, irregular vaginal bleeding, vaginal uncomfortable,fever,abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and frequency of micturition. Three cases were fallopine tube carcinoma, 1 ovary dysgerminoma, 2 ovarian carcinoma, and 5 cervix carcinoma. Saving ages in this group were all over 10 years.The longest was 31 years,and the average was 20.5 years. Conclusion Malignant tumor and tuberculosis disease all easily occured when the body was in the lower immune condition. But the survival stage of the patients were not being shorten when they met with both of the diseases. It is worthy of further clinical study.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology and Rehabilitation