在煤矿生产系统中,需要测量井下用电量,但我国尚没有煤矿井下用的电度传感器,为了填补这一空白,我们对引进的西德 AEG 公司的地面防护型电度传感器进行了消化,并在此基础上研制了国产的煤矿隔爆兼本质安全型电度传感器。第一台样机已做出,已交厂家生产。本文介绍该电度传感器的工作原理和实验数据。
In the mine producing system,it's necessary to measure the total amount of cletricity being used.Since watt-hour senser used underground haven't been made in China,we ab- sorb the principle from watt-hour senser delivered by AEG company Germany.Basing upon this,we develop our own watt-hour senser.The principle and expermantal date of this watt-hour senser is introduced in this article.