
中医辨证论治的数学表达 被引量:2

Mathematical Expression of Diagnosis and Treatment Based on an Overall Analysis of Diseases and patient's Condition in Traditional Chinese Medicine
摘要 阴阳五行学说是中医的理论基础,阴阳五行逻辑是层次极高的逻辑。建立阴阳五行逻辑公式体系,用数学方法研究中医辨证理论,探讨解决中医界几千年悬而未决的问题,是中医理论研究中亟待解决的问题。著名数学家华罗庚说过:“数学是一切科学得力的助手和工具。……任何一门科学缺少了数学这一工具便不能确切地刻划出客观事物变化的状态,更不能从已知数据推出未知数据来,因而就减少了科学预见的可能性,或者减弱了科学预见的精确度”。作者应用数学方法表达中医辨证论治,使得中医理论问题得到显著简化。限于篇幅,本文略去了大量的数学推导,仅就建立阴阳五行逻辑公式体系进行讨论。应用该公式体系不仅可以对中医的治疗方法进行严格的论证,使中医理论的科学性得到逻辑上的证明,而且可以由一脏或一腑的盛虚推出适用的中药,从而使诊断治疗规范化成为可能。 The doctrine of Yin-Yang and five elements lays the theoretical foundation of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and the philosophy of them constitutes its highest Ievel. It is believed that those problems that have not been resolved for thousands of years in the community of TCM will be able to be settled by the way of establishing the system of philosophic formulas of Yin-Yang and five elements and transform the theories of diagnosis and treatment based on an overall analysis of diseases and the patient's condition into and attribute them to mathematical problems and probe them. The famous mathematician Hua Luogeng said: 'Mathematics is a strong hand and a instrument for all sciences......When the tool of mathematics is neglected in any science, it is impossible to exactly depict the changing condition of objective things and even further impossible to deduce unknown data from known data, and the possibility of scientific prediction will be reduced or its accuracy be degraded accordingly.' Therefore, the problems concerning TCM theories can surely be simplified if mathematical methodologies are used for them. As the space is limited, this article only discusses the system of the philosophic formulas of Yin-Yang and five elements, leaving out a large number of mathematic reductions. By the application of this system not only the therapies of TCM can be strictly expounded and proved so that scientific diagnosis and treatment in TCM will be philosophically proved, but also practical Chinese medicines can be found out in accordance with the asthenia of zang and fu organs of human body so that the normalization of diagnosis and treatment in TCM will become possible.
作者 孟凯韬
出处 《世界科学技术-中医药现代化》 2003年第3期15-16,共2页 Modernization of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Materia Medica-World Science and Technology
关键词 阴阳五行逻辑 数学表达 辨证论治 中医 philosophy of Yin-Yang and five elements, formula system, diagnosis and treatment based on an overall analysis of disease and the patient's condition
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