[目的 ]探讨高压氧与降纤酶结合治疗脑血栓形成的疗效。 [方法 ]把 1 42例脑血栓形成患者随机分为 A组、B组、C组 ,A组 48例采用高压氧加降纤酶治疗 ;B组 44例采用降纤酶治疗 ;C组 5 0例采用常规治疗。并分析和比较 3组患者的治疗效果。 [结果 ]A组治愈率 81 .2 5 % ,同时治疗前后血液流变学检查血浆比粘度、红细胞压积、低切变等差异有非常显著性意义 ( P <0 .0 1 ) ;B组治愈率 63.63% ;C组治愈率5 2 .0 %。三组患者治愈率比较差异有显著意义 ( P <0 .0 1 )。 [结论 ]高压氧与降纤酶联合治疗脑血栓形成的效果优于常规组和单纯降纤酶治疗组的治疗效果 ,并能改善血液粘稠度 。
To explore the curative effect of cerebral thrombosis treated with hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) and Defibrase.142 cases of cerebral thrombosis were divided into three groups of A, B and C by random method. Group A of 48 cases received modality therapy of HBO and Defibrase, Group B of 44 cases received Defibrase therapy alone, Group C of 50 cases received conventional therapy, and then the results were concluded, analyzed and compared.The cure rate of Group A was 81.25%, meanwhile there were statistical differences of ratio viscosity of plasma, press accumulate of RBC before and after the treatment (P<0 01). The cure rates of Group B and Group C were 63 63% and 52 0%. There were statistical differences among the cure rates of the three groups(P<0 01).[Conclusion]The curative effect of modality therapy of HBO and Defibrase on cerebral thrombosis is better than the conventional therapy and the Defibrase alone therapy. Besides, this modality therapy can improve blood viscosity.
Journal of Guangxi Traditional Chinese Medical University