党的十六大明确提出了本世纪头 2 0年全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标。了解邓小平小康社会思想渊源及内涵、分析江泽民对全面建设小康社会思想的发展 ,认识党的十六大对全面建设小康社会理论的新贡献 。
The 16th National Congress of the CPC explicitly set the objective of the struggle to build an overall well to do society in the first 20 years of the century. It is of great significance for us to deepen the study and implenentation of the spirit of the Congress to understand the origin and connotation of Deng Xiaoping’s ideology of the well to do society, to analyze Jiang Zemin’s development of the ideology of building an overall well to do society, and to know the new contribution by the Congress to the theory of building an overall well to do society.
Journal of Wuhan Institute of Education