通过在流化床中将碳酸钾溶液雾化后喷涂在处于流化状态的玻璃珠上 ,研究了流化床造粒过程的层式生长机理。考察了床层温度、流化气速及溶液浓度等对涂覆率的影响。结果表明在实验范围内 ,造粒过程为典型的层式生长过程 ,造粒时间对涂覆率影响较小。床层温度对涂覆率影响显著、流化气速及溶液浓度对涂覆率也有较大影响 。
By spraying and coating the potassium carbonate solution onto the surface of glass spheres, the layering growth mechanism of granulating process was studied in fluidized bed. The coating efficiency of different bed temperatures, fluidized gas velocity and solution concentration was determined in the experiment. The experimental results showed that the particles grew in the layering growth mechanism typically and the coating efficiency remained nearly unchanged with the granulating time. In particular the bed temperature and to some extent the fluidized gas velocity and the solution concentration influenced the coating efficiency. The coating efficiency varied with all of them non\|monotonously.
Journal of Zhejiang University of Technology
浙江省教育厅重点资助项目 ( 2 0 0 10 713)