目的 :本文通过对两组下颌骨骨折病例的回顾性研究 ,评价了小钢板坚强内固定和单纯颌间固定在颌骨骨折治疗中的作用及其优缺点。方法 :6 0例下颌骨骨折 ,30例行小钢板坚强内固定 ,30例行简单牙弓夹板结扎固定。观察比较两组病例颌间固定的时间 ,开口度恢复情况和骨折愈合情况。结果 :坚强内固定病例术后颌间固定时间平均 5 .5d ,开口受限和咬合不良的发生率分别为 3.3%和 6 .7%。简单牙弓夹板结扎病例颌间固定时间平均 2 7.5d ,开口受限和咬合不良的发生率分别为 13.3%和 30 .4 %。结论 :小钢板坚强内固定是治疗下颌骨骨折的较好方法 ,能早期恢复咀嚼功能 ,减少开口受限的发生率。
Objective: We reviewed two groups mandibular fracture and evaluated the result of internal fixation and the single fixation.Method: 60cases mandibular fracture, 30 cases fixed with steel, 30 cases with single fixation and then compare the time and fracture cure.Result: The mean fixation time was 5.5d the mouth limitation and the side effect of articulate was 3.3% and 6.7% respectively the other group was 27.5d and 13.3% and 30.4%.Conclusion: The steel internal fixation is the better way to mandibular fracture earlier to the chew function edruce the limitation.
Hebei Medicine