目的 探讨小儿急性光气中毒的临床特点及治疗措施。方法 对 42例同一时间同一地点急性光气中毒的小儿临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果 42例患儿中X线片提示支气管炎 31例 ,吸入性肺炎 7例 ,血清酶LDH升高 12例 ,SGPT升高 4例 ,SGOT升高 9例 ;经及时卧床休息 ,吸氧 ,激素预防肺水肿 ,限制液体量 ,防止感染 ,保肝治疗 ,全部治愈。结论 小儿光气中毒以肺损害为主 ,部分病例肝功能受损。及早治疗、正规治疗 ,愈后好 ,无严重并发症如肺水肿发生。保肝治疗不容忽视。
Objective To analyze the clinical characters and treatment of children's acute phosgene intoxication.Methods 42 cases with acute phosgene intoxication at the same time and one place were analyzed retrospectively.Results According to the findings of X-ray,there were 31 cases with bronchitis,7 cases with pneumonia ,12 cases with LDH increase ,4 cases with SGPT increase and 9 cases with SGOT increase among 42 cases.By lying in bed in time,they all were cured by oxygen inspiration,use of hormone and sntibiotics and restriction of liquid to prevent the pulmonary edema,some patients also were treated with protective liver drugs.Conclusion Acute phosgene intoxication of children mostly injury pulmonary,but some of them have liver injury.With timely and standard treatment,they recover well and have no serious complications.
Anhui Medical Journal