目的 研制检测破伤风IgG的酶联检测试剂盒。方法 以精制破伤风类毒素进一步纯化后作为包被抗原,辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)标记羊抗人IgG作为抗体制备ELISA试剂盒,并进行敏感性、特异性及重复性检测。结果 试剂盒敏感性可达0.003 9 IU/ml,特异性达95%以上,重复性好,CV<7%,试剂盒置于37℃、7 d敏感性无明显改变。结论 成功地制备了破伤风抗体IgG酶联检测试剂盒。
Objective To prepare an ELISA kit for detecting tetanus IgG rapidly. Methods An EOSA kit was prepared using the further purified tetanus toxoid as coated antigen, and HRP-labeled sheep anti-human IgG as antibody, and the sensitivity, specificity and reproducibility of the prepared kit were studied. Results The kit showed good sensitivity(0.0039IU/ml) , specificity (above 95%) and reproducibility (CV < 7% ). After storage at 37℃ for 7 days, no significant change was observed in the sensitivity of the kit. Conclusion Conclusion An ELBA kit for detecting tetanus IgG was successfully developed. [Key words] Tetanus IgG ELISA
Chinese Journal of Biologicals