以甘蓝型油菜宁RS 1为材料 ,构建了含有 82 94 4个克隆的甘蓝型油菜的BAC基因组文库。从文库中随机挑取克隆进行DNA长度检测 ,BAC克隆平均插入片段大小为 80kb ,覆盖甘蓝型油菜基因组的 5 1倍。随机挑取 10 8克隆进行继代培养 10 0代 ,分离质粒酶切检测表明不存在插入片段丢失现象 ,表明该文库的克隆在大肠杆菌中稳定存在 ;以与硼高效基因相连锁的分子标记拟南芥cDNA克隆pa2 8为探针对文库进行了筛选 ,共获得 13个阳性克隆 ,进一步研究表明 ,3个克隆 13E3、32G8、186G2 0与BE1基因相连锁。
A bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library was constructed for a Brassica napus cultivar: Ning RS 1. The library contains 82944 clones with 80kb DNA insert size in average representing equivalents of 5 1 Brassica napus haploid genome. The BAC DNA can maintain stably in E. coli after about 100 generations of culture. pa28, an Arabidopsis EST clone which linked to a boron efficiency gene BE1 in B.napus , was used as probe to screen the library: consequently, 13 positive clones were identified. These positive clones were divided into four groups. Three of 13 clones were identified to link to the BE1 locus by Southern analysis.
Acta Agronomica Sinica
TheNational863HighTechnologyProgramofChina ( 2 0 0 1AA2 2 2 3 11)
NationalSpecialFoundationforTransgenicPlant(J0 0A 0 0 8 0 1)