轻载化的极限编程 (ExtremeProgramming下称XP)方法 ,可以在保证提高软件生产率和软件质量的前提下 ,简化繁重的软件过程以减轻软件工程人员的负担。尽管XP有应用限制 ,但只要剪裁得当 ,国内大部分应用软件项目的开发管理均可采用。具体到实施中应注意解决操作中出现的实际问题 ,不断对XP过程进行改进 ,切忌生搬硬套 ,要充分发挥人的能动性 ,充分保证团队交流。其中以人为本改进过程 ,建立度量评价指标体系 ,不能因活而乱是XP的关键。
Underloaded extreme programming (hereafter called XP) can simplify arduous software process and lighten the burden of software engineers while guaranteeing software productivity and quality. Despite limitations on its application, it can be used in the development and management of most applied software projects in China so long as it is well tailored. We should solve the practical problems in its operation and continuously improve extreme programming process and be careful to avoid applying it mechanically; we should bring into play the initiative of people and ensure team communication. Among other things, the key lies in improving the process, establishing a measurement and evaluation indicator system and avoiding disorder while maintaining flexibility in a people-oriented manner.
Journal of Guizhou College of Finance and Economics