中海石油技术服务公司为适应渤海地区保护海洋环境并有效保护海洋生态资源的需要 ,研究、试制了新型环保燃烧装置。该装置具有如下特点 :1)满足防污染要求 ;2 )燃烧充分 ,不留残留物 ;3)结构紧凑 ,便于安装 ;4 )减少了海上防污染处理工作量。该装置在渤海油气开发中试用并不断改进 ,取得了良好的社会效益和经济效益 ,为海上测试作业提供了有效的环境保护途径。
China Offshore Oil Technical Service manufactured the new combustion unit for the environmental safety. The unit has the following characteristics. First it satisfied the need of the pollution control. Second it has no residual after combustion. Third the unit is easy to install. Forth it makes less work to process pollution. By application of the unit, it makes good economic result in exploration and production of oil and gas in Bohai area.
China Offshore Oil and Gas