介绍微电脑控制的多功能住宅控制器的设计原理及信息处理方法。具有对住宅各要害部位进行多种监测报警服务功能 ,集防盗、防劫、防火、防水、防燃气泄漏等功能于一体 ,一遇不测即刻自动报警 ;提供门禁身份识别及温湿度检测和显示 ,同时可控制门锁动作 ,空调等家用电器。是一款先进的。
The design priniciple and information processing method of multifunction dwelling house controller of micro_computer is presented. it has several supervise and alarm functions for vital parts, and integrated to whole for rob_proof, fireproof, waterproof, gas_proof. It can call the police at the moment danger, and provide identity and detecting and monitor of temperature and humidity, and control action of gate_lock, air_conditions and other appliance. It is an advace and intelligent household secure and defend electric device.
Journal of Changzhou Institute of Technology