46 adult Wistar male rats were used and divided into 4 groups,i.e.normal control group, 'experi-mental spleen dificiency group'induced by rhubarb,spontaneous recovery group and therapeutic group treated with Chinese herbs (Si Jun Zi decoction).All the animals of the 4 groups were killed and processed for demonstration of gastrin cells (G cells).Somatostatin cells(D cells) and 5-HT cells according to immunohistochemical PAP technique.The number of strong positive(+++),moderate positive (++) and weak positive (+) cells of these three types was counted and the percentage of positive cells of each grade wer calculated.In addition,the immunoreactivities of D cells and 5-HT cells in nomal control groups and 'experimental spleen dificiency group' were measured by microspectrophotometer (MPV-2,Leitz).All the data were treated statistically.The percentage of G cells(++),5-HT cells(+),D cells(++,+++) in 'the experimental spleen dificiency group' was more than that of the normal control group,while the percentage of G cells(+++),5-HT cells(++,+++),D cells(+) was less than that of the normal control group.The both groups showed obvious difference(P<0.01).As compared with spontaneous
recovery group the percentage of G cells,5-HT cells and D cells in the theraputic group was approxi- mated to the normal control group. The immunoreactivities of D cells and 5-HT cells measured with microspectrophoter appeared similar to the semiquantitatixe results.Our study suggested that the changes of percentage of G cells,5-HT cells and D cells in duodenum mucosa may be closely related to digestiv disorders presented in spleen dificiency syndrome,and the Chinese herbs(Si Jun Zidecoction) currently used possessed significant therapeutic effect.
Chinese Journal of Anatomy
duodenum mucosa
experimental spleen dificiency syndrome