We see two major trends in Particie Technology. First, the focus is shifted from unit operations towards functional products, i.e. towards product engineering. Second, modeling will become more and more important. Proc-esses cannot yet be designed from basie molecular understanding. Nanotechnology, however, begins to bridge this gap between molecules and particles and may thus open new ways not only for the production and handling of particulate matter but also for the engineered design of advanced material properties. Starting from the concept of product engineering we investigate the basie preconditions for tailoring nanoparticulate properties, i.e. the control of the particie in-teractions. Nanotechnology can only be transferred to industrial production if the interactions are effectively controlled.Material and particie properties are essential for predictive models. Although strong tools like MD, DEM or population balance models are available, these models are only predictive if realistic material and particie properties are available which is often not the case. We show for selected examples how particie properties can be obtained by studying the physically relevant elementary processes. The impact breakage behavior of many different materials is described by a master curve. Particie adhesion can be modeled if the roughness of particie and substrate and the Hamaker constant are known. The latter is obtained from adsorption studies.
We see two major trends in Particie Technology. First, the focus is shifted from unit operations towards functional products, i.e. towards product engineering. Second, modeling will become more and more important. Proc-esses cannot yet be designed from basie molecular understanding. Nanotechnology, however, begins to bridge this gap between molecules and particles and may thus open new ways not only for the production and handling of particulate matter but also for the engineered design of advanced material properties. Starting from the concept of product engineering we investigate the basie preconditions for tailoring nanoparticulate properties, i.e. the control of the particie in-teractions. Nanotechnology can only be transferred to industrial production if the interactions are effectively controlled.Material and particie properties are essential for predictive models. Although strong tools like MD, DEM or population balance models are available, these models are only predictive if realistic material and particie properties are available which is often not the case. We show for selected examples how particie properties can be obtained by studying the physically relevant elementary processes. The impact breakage behavior of many different materials is described by a master curve. Particie adhesion can be modeled if the roughness of particie and substrate and the Hamaker constant are known. The latter is obtained from adsorption studies.