小麦主根长法测定结果表明 ,小麦品种对单嘧磺隆的相对敏感性有差异 ,以氯磺隆和苯磺隆为对照测定了单嘧磺隆对 9个小麦品种的相对安全性 ,结果表明 ,单嘧磺隆对小麦的安全性与苯磺隆基本相当。温室盆栽试验结果显示 ,茎叶处理和土壤处理 ,0 0 6kg hm2 施药量时油菜产生药害 ;低于 0 0 6kg hm2 施药量时对玉米安全 ;低于 0 12kg hm2 时 ,小麦和谷子的生长均不受影响。田间试验表明 ,10 %单嘧磺隆可湿性粉剂能有效防除麦田杂草如碱茅 [Puccinelliadisants(L .) ]、播娘蒿 [Descurainiasophia (L .)Schur.]、荠菜 [Capsellabursapastoris (L .)Medic .]、早熟禾 (PoaannualL .)等杂草 ,而对小麦安全 ,且茎叶处理优于土壤处理。
The relative sensitivity of different wheat cultivars to monosulfuron existed among wheat cultivars as detected by wheat taproot bioassay, the relative ty tests using Chlorsulfuron and Tribenuron-methyl as contrast to 9 wheat cultivars showed that,the safety of Monosulfuron to different wheat was equal to that of Tribenuron-methyl Pot research of foliate spray and soil treatment showed, there existed harmful hurt to oil seed rape when Monosulfuron application dosage was 0 06 kg/hm 2 Maize was safe when Monosulfuron was applicated under the dosage of 0 06 kg/hm 2application; wheat and millet were safe when Monosulfuron was applicated under the dosage of 0 12 kg/hm 2 application Field trials in the wheat indicated that 10%Monosulfuron wettable powder had good efficacy onPuccinellia disants(L )、Descurainia sophia(L ) Schur and Capsella bursapastoris(L ) Medic 、Poa annualL et al while wheat was safe The efficacy of foliate spray was better than that of soil treatment
Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
国家自然科学基金项目 (批准号 2 0 10 70 0 3 )