杨凌各金融机构给予杨凌示范区农业高新技术企业有力的支持 ,并积极探索多种信贷方式 ,以满足企业的需要。尽管如此 ,仍存在着不能满足企业对贷款的需求、放款不及时、因银行员工素质不高而影响信贷等现象。这既有企业自身的问题 ,也有信贷准入门槛过高、杨凌金融部门放贷权限不够等原因。对此 ,提出建立农业高新技术企业评价委员会、降低农业高新技术企业信贷门槛、扩大信贷权限、增加资金来源、完善担保体系和提高员工素质等应对策略 ,以便金融部门更好地支持杨凌农业高新技术企业发展。
The each financing institutions in Yangling gave more support to Yangling agricultural high-tech enterprises and sought various types of credit in order to meet the enterpries' need For all that, the enterprises' loan need can't be satisfied The causes are the enterprises' prolems themselves, the conditions of credit to more and the power of credit in Yangling fanancing institutions to small We propose that the evaluating committee of agricultural high-tech enterprises should be set-up, the conditions of credit should be decreased, the power of credit in Yangling fanancing institutions should be expanded, the funds sources should be more and the quality of the bank employee in Yangling should be improved in order to support Yangling agricultural high-tech enterpises by credit
Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin