
基于水土流失防治的云南金沙江流域土地利用生态安全格局初探 被引量:18

A Preliminary Approach to the Ecological Security Patterns of Land Use for Controlling Soil Erosion in Jinsha River Basin of Yunnan Province
摘要 在水土流失严重的云南金沙江流域,建立基于水土流失防治的土地利用生态安全格局是保住人民生命线的根本举措。水土流失山区土地利用生态安全格局的构建应以允许土壤流失量(即T值)为基础,一方面确保各地块的土壤流失降至最低,以保持地块的生态安全和可持续利用,另一方面使区域性的水土流失问题从根本上得到有效控制,促进区域性土地利用生态系统的安全性和可持续性,并极大地减轻中下游的泥沙淤积和洪水灾害。另外,还应因地制宜地推行多样化土地利用、发展多功能农业,建立斑块镶嵌性与生态多样性的土地利用空间格局。总体而言,云南金沙江流域土地利用生态安全格局设计应突出三大重点:(1)以坡地梯田梯地化、建立梯田梯地农业与地埂经济为重点的耕地与园地利用与治理;(2)以乔灌草结合、多层配置为重点的林地和陡坡退耕地的利用与改造;(3)着力于地面绿化(而非"空中绿化")的荒山荒地开发利用。 The severe soil erosion has been generally regarded as a major cause of land degradation in mountain areas Soil erosion always undermines the foundation of sustainable development, leaving only backwardness and poverty In this sense, it is fundamental to establish an ecological security pattern of land use for controlling soil erosion in Jinsha River Basin of Yunnan Province with serious soil erosion so as to protect the people's life and properties  In mountain areas with soil erosion, the ecological security patterns of land use should be established on the basis of soil loss tolerance (Value T) This could ensure that the soil loss amount of each landuse parcel is reduced to the lowest possible level so as to sustain the ecological security and sustainability of land use On the other hand, this could help to bring regional soil erosion under fundamental control so as to promote the ecological security and sustainability of regional landuse system, and greatly reduce the sediment accumulation and floods in the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River Soil loss equation plays an important role in designing the ecological security patterns of land use that is based on soil loss tolerance It is also necessary to advocate diversified land use and multifunction agriculture and adjust them to the local conditions so as to establish a land use pattern characterized by inlaying patches and ecological diversity  Because of the difference between various landuse types in terms of land use management and soil erosion situation, both the direction and measures of ecological improvement of each of the landuse types should be put into different categories and respectively studied based on this classification in designing the ecological security patterns of land use Generally speaking, the following three principles should be followed in improving the ecological security and sustainability of landuse in Jinsha River Basin of Yunnan Province:  1) transform sloping fields into terraced fields, and establish a cultivated land and garden utilization and management mechanism focused on terraced fieldcentered agriculture and using borders of terraced fields for development of economy; 2) transform sloping fields with high gradients into forests with the combination of trees, shrubs and grasses or cultivating multilayer vegetation; 3) place the emphasis on ground afforestation rather than the socalled aerial afforestation in developing wastelands
出处 《山地学报》 CSCD 2003年第4期402-409,共8页 Mountain Research
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(编号40061006)。~~
关键词 水土流失 土地利用 生态安全 可持续利用 土壤流失量 允许土壤流失量 土地利用生态安全格局 soil erosion land use ecological security sustainable use soil loss amount (Value A) soil loss tolerance (Value T) ecological security patterns of land use
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