文章分析了南宁市紫外线辐射的变化特征及其与太阳总辐射和云量的关系。指出南宁市紫外线辐射具有明显的季节变化 ,夏季最大 ,冬季最小。 4月下旬开始紫外线逐渐增强 ,5~ 9月长达 5个月时间紫外线强度维持在一个较高的水平 ,10月上旬开始紫外线迅速减弱。日最大值出现时间多数在 12~ 14时。紫外线辐射量与太阳总辐射量相关系数达 0 .6 7,与部分月份云量也有较好的相关性 ,晴天的紫外线日变化曲线最为平滑 ,多云天气次之 。
The characters of ultraviolet radiation in Nanning city are discussed, its relation with global radiation and cloudage is also analyzed. It points out that the character of ultraviolet radiation in Nanning varies obviously in different seasons,it is the strongest in summer and the weakest in winter. The ultraviolet radiation becomes stronger since April and becomes weaker since October every year and is the strongest between 12 o'clock and 14 o'clock everyday. Its correlation coefficient with global radiation is 0.67 and the correletion with cloudage in some months is obvious.The daily varying curve is the most smooth in sunny days,worse smooth in cloudy days,the worst smooth in little cloudy days.
Meteorological Science and Technology