介绍的新型电液数字溢流阀是一种数字信息直接控制的导控式压力控制元件。该阀采用AT89C2 0 5 1单片微机作控制器 ,步进电动机作电 -机械转换器旋转 ,偏心轮机构作机械转换器。控制压力由发光数码管间接显示。零位传感器可使阀的导阀芯在每个控制周期结束或控制周期中的任意时刻自动返回零位 ,保证了每个控制周期都在同一位置即最低起调压力开始 ,从而提高了重复精度和复杂控制工况的适应性。论述了该阀的原理、性能。
A new type of electro hydraulic digital relief valve, which is a pilot pressure control component directly controlled by digital information is introduced. AT89C2051 single chip microcomputer is used as its control, step motor is used as electro mechanical transformer and eccentric wheel mechanism is used as mechanical transformer in this valve. The control pressure is displayed by the luminous digital tubes indirectly. The null pick up is used to control the pilot valve center returning to the original position automatically at each end of the control cycle or at any time during the control cycle to ensure each control cycle starting at the same position, e.g. under the lowest pressure, thus the repeatability and suitability to complex control situation are improved. The principle, performance, characteristic and fitting fields are introduced in this paper.
Manufacturing Technology & Machine Tool