分析了电力管理信息系统中对报表的基本要求 ,以及当前在电力系统应用软件开发过程中涉及到报表开发的几种方式 ,讨论了如何利用FormulaOne组件设计满足用户多种要求的报表。由于采用面向对象和组件技术 ,该系统具有极强的通用性和扩展性。
The requirement of report system in MIS, the methods of the development of report forms in the design of electric power software system, and the report form by making use of Formula One to satisfy different demands are discussed in this paper. By using OOP(Object\|Oriented Programming)and module technology, the report system appears to be better accepted and expansive. In fact, the report system has been applied successfully in many electric power ERP projects and achieved good result.
Modern Electric Power