当前开关磁阻电动机调速系统 (以下简称SRD)的发展应用需要解决两个主要问题 :一是要解决开关磁阻电动机本身所固有的转动噪声与转矩脉动比较大的问题 ;二要着力提高整个SRD系统的输出功率与效率。作者在设计 30kWSRD功率变换器时———确定设计方案当中 ,重点考虑了上述问题。在确定方案的基础上 ,介绍了构成SRD功率变换器的实际应用电路 ,并给出了有关电路中元件的选型与参数计算 。
At present, two major problems to develop the switched reluctance drivers must be solved, one is to reduce the running noise and pulsation, the other is to improve the delivered power and efficiency. These problems are considered in the design of the power circuit of 30 kW SRD. The active applied circuit of power circuit of 30kW SRD are illustrated based on the fixed scheme. The components'selection and parameters computation are also introduced. The reliable circuit design is brought out.
Modern Electric Power