历史发展形成的德国电力经济体制具有较强的垄断和地域保护特点 ,从1 998年德国政府实施新的能源经济法、在电力市场引入竞争机制以来 ,对整个德国电力经济产生了巨大影响。对德国电力经济改革近 3年时间来在各方面发生的变化以及出现的问题进行介绍和总结 。
Because of historical development German power industry has strong character of monopoly and region protection. The new law of energy economy has keen adopted in Germany since 1998, and the competition was initiated in electric market, which has been strongly effected on the German energy economy. In the paper the main changes and problems of the electric reform in Germany were introduced, which could offer us useful references for the reform and development of our power industry.
Modern Electric Power