
亟待开发的甜高粱酒精燃料 被引量:47

Ethanol Fuel from Sweet Sorghum Desiderates Development
摘要 随着“汽车时代”的到来 ,能耗与日俱增 ,自 1993年起 ,我国已成为石油净进口国 ,2 0 0 1年进口 70 0 0多万吨 ,占我国石油加工能力的 36 % ,能源安全已面临挑战。由于汽车尾气排放出大量的污染物 ,使大气中 CO2 的含量增加 ,有加剧温室效应和导致酸雨的危险 ,尾气排出的铅 ,更遗害无穷 ,据对深圳 11348名在校学生的调查 ,近 6 5 %的学生体内的铅超过世界卫生组织认可的安全标准 !甜高粱 [Sorghum bicolor(L.) Moench]具有极高的光合速率 ,故有“高能植物”之称。在我国 ,甜高粱的单位面积酒精产量远高于玉米、甜菜和甘蔗 ,更由于甜高粱具有耐旱、耐涝、耐盐碱的特性 ,特别适于我国栽培 ,加之在甜高粱研究与新品种选育这一领域我国居世界领先地位。甜高粱酒精燃料亟待开发 ,它将对我国产业结构的调整、能源安全、环境保护起举足轻重的作用。 Along with the coming of “Automobile times”, the petroleum consumption is increasing day by day. China has been a net import country of petroleum since 1993. The imported oil was 70 million t in 2001, it accounted for 36% of the oil processing ability in China. The security of energy has been faced with the challenge. Cars released a lot of harmful gases. It increased the concentration of CO 2 in the air and it will lead to the greenhouse effect and acid rain. The lead released by cars is more harmful. According to an investigation on the children in school in Shenzhen, the content of lead in 65% of the children’s blood exceeded the security standard by WHO. Sweet sorghum ( Sorghum bicolor L.) has very high photosynthetic efficiency. So, it was awarded with “High Energy Crop”. The yield of alcohol per unit area extracted from sweet sorghum is much higher than that from maize, sugar beet and sugarcane. Sweet sorghum adapts to the climate of China. It has the tolerance to drought, water logging and salt alkali soil. Especially, China has the advantage in sweet sorghum research and breeding. The project “Ethanol Fuel Extracted from Sweet Sorghum” is demanding development. It will play a great role in the structure adjustment, energy security and protection of environment.
作者 黎大爵
出处 《中国农业科技导报》 CAS CSCD 2003年第4期48-51,共4页 Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology
关键词 甜高梁酒精燃料 生物能源 环境保护 能源安全 种子繁育基地 甜高梁发酵设备 sweet sorghum sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench ethanol fuel bio energy environment protection
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