当前普通高校篮球选项课的教学模式过于陈旧 ,其主要原因是人们对篮球选项课的价值认识不足 .文章通过对普通高校篮球选项课的教学方法、训练手段及对教师的要求进行了探讨 ,以便更好地改进现行教学方法 ,完成教学任务 。
At present,the teaching mode of collegiate elective basketball course is outmoded,its main cause is that the knowing in value of elective basketball course by people is not quite enough.The article explains the teaching method and training means of elective basketball course,and the requirement to teachers,in order to improve the teaching mode;and puts forward some suggestions of developing elective basketball course.
Journal of Quanzhou Normal University