目的 :了解当前青少年人群中的屈光状态。方法 :对北京市东城区 2 0 0 0年应届高中毕业生 4 715例、94 30只眼的屈光状态进行患病率调查 ,其中男女比例为 1.0 2∶1。结果 :裸眼视力≥ 1.0者为 2 8.74 %。近视的患病率为 71.2 2 % ,其中男 15 95例 ,女 176 3例 ,男女比为 1∶1.11,男性患病率为 6 6 .84 % ,女性为 75 .6 9% ,男女患病率差异有显著性 (χ2 =4 5 .0 2 9,P <0 .0 0 1)。在患病人群中轻中度近视 (≤ - 6D)者 2 6 6 5例 ,占患病人群的 79.36 % ,其中有家族史者 6 12例 ,占轻中度近视的 2 2 .96 % ;高度近视 (>- 6D)者 6 93例 ,占患病人群的2 0 .6 4 % ,其中有家族史者 189例 ,占高度近视的 2 7.2 7%。经统计学处理 ,有家族史与无家族史者近视患病率差异有显著性。 (χ2 =5 .6 2 0 ,P =0 .0 18)。按普通高校升学报考专业受限标准统计≥ - 4D者占患病例数的31.77%。结论 :在青少年人群中近视的患病率较高且女性多于男性 ,表明近视的发生与发展和长期近距离工作有密切关系 ;青少年高度近视与遗传基因密切相关 ;青少年患病影响所报专业的选择 ;对青少年近视的预防治疗尤为重要。
Objective:To investigate the ametropic status of present teenagers.Methods:We surveyed the ametropic status of 4715 graduating high school students from East District, Beijing in 2000. Results:The students with naked eyesight ≥1.0 accounted for 28.74%. The prevalence rate of nearsightedness was 71.22%, among which there were 1595 males (66.84%) and 1763 females (75.56%) with a male-to-female ratio 1∶ 1.11. The sex diversity of prevalence rate was statistically significant (χ 2=45.029, P< 0.001). 2665 students were slightly or moderately (≤6D)nearsighted accounting for 79.36% of total, among which 612 students had positive family history (22.96%). While 693 students were severely nearsighted (>-6D) accounting 20.64% of total, among which 189 students had positive family history(27.27%). The diversity of prevalence rate between the students with and without positive family history was statistically significant (χ 2=5.620, P =0.018).According to the criteria for the entrance of general college specialties (<-4D), the studems with nearsightedness ≥4D accounted for 31.77%.Conclusions:The prevalence rate of nearsightedness is high in teenagers and females have higher ratio of prevalence rate, which demonstrates that the occurrence and progress of nearsightedness is closely related to near-reading . High myopia is significantly relate to genetic factors in teenagers. Teenagers' choice of specialties are affected by the nearsightedness. It is important to prevent nearsightedness.
China Journal of Modern Medicine
Prevalence Rate