The question of the present research is to investigate whether the affixal ambiguity, the phenomenon of one affix with two or more semantic/syntactic functions could affect English majors' morphological processing of inflectional words containing ambiguous suffixes. Two lexical decision experiments with 40 English inflectional words with suffixes - ing and - er were administered to 20 and 24 English majors, respectively. The results indicate that ambiguity out of affixes induced Chinese English majors to activate the access to all morphological elements in the inflectional words and that the semantic/syntactic information of the inflectional affixes affected the processing of the inflected words by Chinese English majors. They processed inflectional words via morpheme-based representation and their processing of inflectional English words was based on the computation representation rather than storage representation.
It can be seen from the experiments that regular inflection was the main prime of lexical representation for inflected words and the computation of these words was based on their morphological components. When morphological processing of words was undertaken, the balance between the two representations, i. e. storage and computation, in morphological processing is the interplay of the different factors such as word formation type, affixal ambiguity and affixal productivity. In a lexical decision task, when an affix was ambiguous, the English major triggered off all stored relevant information of it in his/her internal morphological processor to compute the morphemes one by one. Such a computation process is the basic method of processing inflectional words ending with ambiguous affixes.
Modern Foreign Languages