被称为“现代派文学鼻祖”的卡夫卡的小说以荒谬的、不合逻辑的、离奇曲折的结构 ,反映作者心目中的“异化了”的世界图像。在这个世界里 ,由于荒谬原则把事物颠倒为它的反面 ,使正义和法律绝对反常化 ,从而表现为秩序的颠倒 ;人处在一种不能以理性和逻辑去解释的荒诞的神秘的境地 ,人成了“非人” ,英雄变成了弱者 ;艺术也处在一种尴尬的境地 ,失去了本质 ,走向其自身的对立面。卡夫卡以独特的审美视觉 ,将其生命演绎成一部生存哲学著作 。
As the forerunner of modern literature, Kafka, made his words be a completely absurd, illogical and complicated structure, which eflected an alien picture of the word in his mind.In this word, the absurd principal turn things into their reverse side, justice and law becomes completely abnormal.So that, the order is reversed; Man is throw into an absurd and mysterious situation. So he becomes non human and heroes turn into weakers; Art lost his essence too and walked into his reverse side. With the uniquely aesthetic view of literature, Kafka made his life into a works of living philosophy, which appears to be a philosophical outlook of metaphysics.
Qilu Journal