
ISI信道调制分类技术评估 被引量:2

An Assessment of Modulation Classifiers for ISI Channels
摘要 带限信道及ISI对数字调制信号的调制分类有着严重的不利影响 .针对非ISI信道环境的qLLR的调制分类器对ISI信道的BPSK/QPSK调制分类仍然有效 .GLRT调制分类器是以GLRT为基本途径 ,借助Viterbi极大似然译码算法估计调制码符号序列 ,并用PSP估计信道ISI的影响 .改进的鲁棒Viterbi算法能进一步抑制ISI的影响 .蒙特卡罗仿真表明 。 Band-Limited channels have very bad effects on modulation classification of digital modulated signals.qLLR based modulation classifier is valid for classification of BPSK/QPSK signals in ISI Channel.GLRT based classifier makes use of Viterbi algorithm in maximum likelihood estimation of modulation symbol sequences,and PSP in estimating the effects of ISI on the sequence.Simulations show that they can achieve a very good classification performance in ISI channels.
作者 罗利春
机构地区 北京
出处 《电子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第7期1070-1073,1077,共5页 Acta Electronica Sinica
关键词 ISI信道 调制分类 GLRT 调制序列极大似然估计 Viterhi算法 评估 ISI channel modulation classification ML of modulation sequences Viterbi algorithm
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