
质子、电子综合辐照作用下Teflon FEP/Al辐照损伤效应研究 被引量:4

Study of synergistic relation effects of protons and electrons on aluminized Teflon FEP film degradation
摘要 在地面模拟研究了能量为30 keV的质子与电子辐照对Teflon FEP/Al的光学性能退化的综合影响.结果表明,质子辐照引起Teflon FEP/Al在可见光区反射性能退化,而电子引起其在可见光与近红外区反射性能的全面下降.电子辐照更多的是使材料的大分子形成激发态进而轰击出主链上的F原子,形成自由基以及游离态的C.质子辐照时,除产生上述的辐照缺陷外,H*的离子注入还使材料中形成各种新的官能团质子与电子辐照的顺序不同,Teflon FEP/Al的C1s谱也明显不同. The synergistic effect of proton and electron radiation with the energy of 30 keV on Aluminized Teflon FEP degradation was investigated under the condition of ground-based simulation. The results showed that both proton radiation and electron radiation led to the decrease of reflective property in the range of visual region, and the electrons also resulted in a decrease of spectral reflectance in the range of near-infrared region. XPS analysis showed that these two radiations were preferred to activate the large molecules and to bombard fluorine atoms out of the main chains to form various free radicals and carbon atoms, and there was also implantation of activated hydrogen atoms (H*) which led to the formation of new functional groups. The same result was shown by mass spectrum analysis for the proton radiation. The C1s spectrum of Teflon FEP/AI film varied after irradiations by protons and electrons with different sequences.
出处 《材料研究学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第4期421-426,共6页 Chinese Journal of Materials Research
基金 国家重点基础研究专项经费资助项目G19990650
关键词 材料失效与保护 TEFLON FEP/A1 辐照损伤 XPS 光学性能 materials failure and protection, aluminized Teflon FEP, radiative effects, XPS, optical properties
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