
CN_x薄膜的制备和光电性能 被引量:2

Preparation and photo-electrical properties of CN_X films
摘要 以单晶硅片(100)和镀Pt硅片为衬底,用电化学沉积方法在阴极制备出CN_x薄膜(x接近于1),薄膜的表面平滑,颗粒均匀。热处理后得到了β-C_3N_4和α-C_3N_4多晶结构薄膜。热处理温度的提高使薄膜中的C≡N键逐渐减少而消失,氮元素的流失使薄膜中非晶碳的成分增多,但是薄膜中碳氮逐渐以sp^3C-N为主。薄膜的能带在1.1~1.8eV之间,氮含量对能带大小影响较大。热处理使薄膜的电阻率(高于10~8Ω·cm)变化不大。氮含量影响PL谱中3.0和3.5eV处发射峰的峰强,不影响峰位。 CNX thin films with the N/C atomic ratio approximated to 1 were prepared on silicon (100) and silicon coated with platinum substrates by cathode electrodeposition, using dicyandiamide (C2H4N4) saturated acetone solution as precursors. The chemical composition, bonding state and surface morphologies of films before and after heat treatments were investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). From PL and absorbance spectra, the optical properties of deposited films were investigated. The resistivities of films were also been determined. Selected area electron diffraction (SAED) reveals that the heat-treated films have polycrystalline granules including β-C3N4 and α-C3N4. The crystal lattice constants of β-C3N4 are α=0.635 nm, c=0.241 nm and the crystal lattice constants of α-C3N4 are α=0,644 nm, c=0.482 nm. They are adjacent to the theoretical calculation.
出处 《材料研究学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第4期432-438,共7页 Chinese Journal of Materials Research
基金 国家自然科学基金No.20171007 博士点基金No.1999000718
关键词 无机非金属材料 CNX薄膜 电化学沉积 光电性能 inorganic non-metallic materials, CNX thin films, electrodeposition, optical electron- ical properties
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