自 1998年《国际刑事法院罗马规约》通过后 ,围绕管辖权属性问题的争辩始终没有休止。实际上 ,国际刑事法院管辖权的多维性体现了主权与人权国际保护的逻辑延伸。透视国际刑事法院管辖权内容上的多维性特征可见 ,《罗马规约》规定的国际刑事法院管辖权游弋于补充性和普遍性与强制性之间 ,体现了适用上的多角度、多层次和多维空间。这种多维特征之间既相互独立 ,又相辅相成 ,充分显示国际刑事法院的历史地位和重要性 ,当被控国际罪行的程序逐渐制度化时 ,国际刑事法院的运行机制也会更加公正。
The nature of ICC jurisdiction is continually debated since the Rome Statute of International Criminal Court was passed in 1998. In fact, the manifold jurisdiction of ICC embodies the logic extension of both human rights and sovereignty. Looking over the manifold jurisdiction of ICC, under the provision of ICC Statute, the ICC jurisdiction is hesitating among the nature of complementariness, universality and compulsion and shows different points and levels of jurisdiction when it is operated. These manifold jurisdictions are sometimes independent from each other, while sometimes supplements each other either, which fully reveals the historical status and importance of ICC. Mechanism of ICC will be more impartiality, rationality and perfection after the system o f prosecuting international crimes is gradually established.
Modern Law Science