采用“热萃取 /脱水”技术处理炼油厂含油污泥 ,脱出水中 COD小于 15 0 mg/ L,含油量小于 3 0 mg/ L,可直接排入污水处理场。溶剂油取自炼油厂馏分油 ,原料易得 ,并且可以循环使用。该技术可以回收污泥中的有价值组份 ,符合变废为宝。
The paper introduced a 'hot extraction/dehydration'process for treating oily sludge from refinery.Tteated oily sludge from refinery by this process,the effluent can be directly discharged into the wastewater treatment plant.The COD concentration in effluent was less than 150mg/L,and the oil concentration in effluent was less than 30 mg/L.The solvent is a fraction oil from refinery,and it can be recycled in the process.The process can recover all valuable contents in sludge.
Environment Protection in Petrochemical Industry