运用多孔介质理论分析了化学吸附式制冷系统中的吸附床 ,按多孔介质的质量、动量和能量传递过程建立了吸附床内流动、传热和传质耦合求解的数学模型 ,并根据吸附剂在吸附床内多孔介质中的流动特性 ,采用比经典的Darcy模型更精确的多孔介质流动模型———Ergun模型。所建立的数学模型较之现有的吸附床传热传质数学模型能更全面、准确的描述吸附床的传热传质特性。将所建立的模型对化学吸附制冷样机进行了模拟计算 ,计算结果和测试结果吻合得较好。数学模型和计算结果有助于深入认识吸附床的传热传质特性 ,并可进一步用于吸附床和系统的优化设计。
The adsorbent bed of chemical adsorption refrigeration system is analyzed with thetheory of porous media,themathematical model of coupled flow,heat and mass transfer isestablished according to momentum,mass and energy equations of porous materials theory in this paper.Compared with class ical Darcy model, a more accurate model of fluid flow in porous media-Ergun model is adopted according to the characteristic of refrigerant's flow in porous materials. The mathematical model in this paper is more integral and accurate in describingthe performance of heat and mass transfer in the adsorbent bed than the traditional mathematical model. Numerical calculation and experimental results of a chemical adsorption refrigeration prototype are compared. The model and results are helpful to reveal the characteristics of heat and mass transfer in the adsorbent bed and also to provide reference to the optimum design of adsorbent bed and system.
Journal of Refrigeration
科技部技术创新基金资助项目 (0 0C2 62 14 3 0 0 860 )