通过某沿海地区一钢箱梁悬索桥为研究对象 ,以防止箱梁内壁结露为目的 ,模仿坚直平壁的热交换 ,对箱壁内外表面的热交换进行了分析 ,并在考虑内壁表面上的温度与空气中饱和水蒸气之间的关系的基础上 ,建立了相应的热湿交换的耦合数学模型 ,在保证内壁表面相对湿度不大于 95 %的条件下进行了求解。并把计算结果运用于此悬索桥的除湿系统设计 ,在系统的运行过程没有出现结露现象 ,取得了比经验值要好的结果 ,表明此模型和解能正确反映钢箱梁壁所进行的热湿交换过程。
It took one suspending steel box-beam bridge along the sea as the studying object .In order to prevent condensation of moisture on the inner wall of the beam, it analyzed the heat exchange of the wall imitating the heat exchange of the vertical wall. Based on the relation of the temperature and the saturation water vapor in air of the surface of the inner wall, it proposed the couple mathematical models of the heat exchange and the humidity exchange. On the condition of the relative humidity of the surface of the inner wall less than 95% ,it solved the models. The results were used in the design of the dehumidification system of the bridge. During the running of the system, there was no phenomenon of condensation, and got a better results than empirical value. So it showed that the models and solutions could reflect the process of the heat exchange and the humidity exchange.
Journal of Refrigeration
天津市自然科学基金重点项目 (993 80 3 2 11)