已故英国著名科学史家李约瑟博士对中国科学技术史进行了深入探讨 ,其所著的《中国科学技术史》对中国古代科学技术作出了实事求是的总结与概括 ,并提出了一些极有启发性的独创见解 ,对世界了解中国 ,消除误解与偏见作了极好的宣传。他对中国科学技术史的研究不存在“拔高”或“说好话”的倾向。他的《中国科学与文明》被译成《中国科学技术史》并无不妥。否定“李约瑟难题”缺乏理论根据。
The late famous English science historian,Doctor Joesph Needham, made a profound study of China's history of science and technology. In his work China's History of Science and Technology, originally entitled China's Science and Civilization, he gave a true picture of science and technology in ancient China, and put forward some valuable and inspiring views, giving the world a better understanding of China. There is no ground to find faults with him.
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)