诗歌作为纯个体的创造性艺术活动 ,一个人或一群人的创作风貌与其所在地域的关系是微妙而复杂的 ,难以用简约的方式归纳。湖北新时期以来的诗歌创作 ,特别是自 1970年代“归来派”诗人曾卓以降 ,承袭、偏移甚至反叛“朦胧诗群”创作走向的具有一定现代倾向的诗歌创作群体在湖北诗歌阵营中起到了举足轻重作用。通过对他们阶段性创作成果的扫描和细读 ,有助于我们准确把握当代湖北诗歌的流变轨迹 。
As a pure artistic creative activity, poem-writing of a certain person or group has something subtle and elaborate to do with the region they are in regarding style and features. And it's hard to sum up succinctly the relationship between them. Since the new period, poem-writing in Hubei, especially from the time of Zeng Zhuo, a poet of the 'Return School' in 1970s, has inherited, deviated from and rebelled against the creation of 'Obscure poem Group' and headed for becoming a poem-creating group that exhibits a certain measure of contemporary tendency. This group carries a big weight in Hubei poetry camp. After scanning and carefully, reading of the initial result of their work, we are enabled to verify the change and development trace of contemporary Hubei poetry, and thereby endowed with the insight into its wonderful overall view.
Journal of Wuhan Institute of Education