The group-components (i. e. the saturated hydrocarbons, aromatic hydrocarbons and resins) were effectively and rapidly separated and determined by thin layer chromatography with hydrogen flame ionization detection. Only 0. 10 to 0. 12g of sample was needed and dissolved in 4. 00ml of toluene. A marketed chromatographic rod (S Ⅲ ) spreaded with silica-gel was used for the separation. One \A. of the sample solution was applied with a mi-crosyringe to the origin point of the chromatorod. After developing twice, the organic compounds were burned in the FID, and the ions captured by FID, and finally a chromatogram was obtained after amplification. This method was used for analysis of heavy oils with b. p. higher than 300℃. Different sorts of crude oils and the size of the applying spot do not influerce the FID responses, and the detector was feasible for the linearity in range of mass studied.
Physical Testing and Chemical Analysis(Part B:Chemical Analysis)