本文提出了一个基于能量比的自适应数字水印算法 ,该算法首先把原图像分块并进行 DCT变换 ,再利用能量比确定各个子块的拉伸因子 α,最后水印分量以不同的能量分别嵌入到各个子块的三个 DCT低频系数中 .
An algorithm of adaptive digital watermaking based on energy ratio is proposed in this paper. First, the algorithm splits the original image into some blocks. Second, these blocks are transformed by DCT and the scaling parameter α is calculated based on energy ratio for every block. Last, watermark components with different strength are inserted into three low-frequency coefficients. The experimental results demonstrate that the watermarks generated with the proposed algorithm have good capability
Natural Science Journal of Harbin Normal University