本文在介绍和剖析国外绿色食品的发展、存在的问题的基础上 ,结合目前国内外的发展形势和趋势 ,指出中国目前应着力建立“企业、农民、技术人员、科研院校”四位一体的联合机制 ,提高产品的科技含量 ;建立监测、预警系统 ;探索新的生产技术和防治病虫害方法 ,培育生物工程植物 ;建立市场准入制度 ;严把质量关 ,与国际标准体系接轨 .为中国绿色食品产业走向科学化、规范化、网络化。
On the base of introduction and analysis on the development and existing problems of green food home and abroad, in this paper, the presently developing situation and trends of the green food in the world are analyzed. What's more, a series of countermeasures are offered, including:(1) joint mechanism on mutually integrating the enterprise, the farmer, the technician, the academy and the university should be built, so tthat the technological components of green food are improved; (2) the new technique to produce and the method to prevent and remedy illness and pets should be explored and the plant should be cultivated by bio-project; (3) the market-allowing system should be set up;(4) the criteria of Chinese green food should accord with the international ones, which contributes to the sustainable development of Chinese green food industry.
Natural Science Journal of Harbin Normal University
黑龙江省普通高等学校骨干教师创新能力资助计划项目 (编号 10 5 3 G0 0 9)