少数民族干部教育是党的干部教育的重要组成部分 ,也是成人教育的重要组成部分。以毛泽东为核心的党的第一代领导集体根据我国革命和建设实践的要求 ,积极探索了少数民族干部教育模式 ,并在教育目标、内容以及方式方法等方面形成了比较系统的理论 ,成为指导我国少数民族干部教育的重要理论 ,对今天少数民族干部教育仍有着重要的指导意义。
The minority nationality cadres' education is the important ingredient of both the Party's education and adult's education.The Party's first generation leader group with Mao Zedong at the core actively explored the teaching mode of minority nationality cadres according to the request of our revolution and construction practice,and formed comparatively systematic theory in teaching target ,content and methods,which become the important theory guiding the minority nationality cadres' education and is still significant to the minority nationality cadres' education.
Journal of Hebei Institute of Socialism