美国当地时间1月22日,思科系有限公司向位于美国德州东部Marshall小镇上的联邦法院(图为Marshall小镇)递交了诉状,起诉第一被告——(中国)华为技术有限公司、第二被告——化为美国公司和FuturWei技术公司知识产权侵权。 77页起诉书中包括非法抄袭,盗用包括源代码在内的思科IOS软件,抄袭思科拥有知识产权的文件和资料,并侵犯思科其它多项专利和商业秘密,共计21项指控,涵盖了从版权、专利、商标到不正当竞争等知识产权的几乎所有范畴。思科称,这是公司成立17年来首次主动诉讼。华为亦指出,这是公司成立15年来首次被起诉。
On January23, Huawei wasaccused of infringement on rights byCisco.Fei Min,Huawei's Manag-ing Vice Presidentresponsible for thesuit, asked for helpfrom MoFo. Several decades ago, when Japanese andKorean firms grew up enough to become a shock oninternational markets, they faced a lot of trade disputes,including suits of infringements on rights of intellectualproperties. MoFo, which is one of the biggest lawyer'soffices in the world and famous for its services in thearea, had represented many Japanese firms to handlelawsuits of intellectual property rights. MoFo is not directly engaged in the suit, it onlyoffers advices for Huawei, However, the case has justi-fied the following judgment of the lawyer's office onceagain: the transnational game for Chinese firms hasbegun. Huawei, still a new comer in the game, is nowsitting by the table with gambling kings' and thosewith rich experiences. The outcome of the game is diffi--cult to predict, However, the fact means Chinese firmssuch as Huawei have been regarded as key rivals.