市场营销最根本的作用是为公司创造价值。这种价值创造作用通过两种基本途径来实现。在公司内部 ,市场营销在公司运作的不同层面产生作用从而提升公司价值 ;在公司外部 ,市场营销把客户的意见和建议有效地从公司外部传递至公司内部 ,从而也为客户创造价值。本文分别就市场营销在公司内外部的价值创造过程进行了分析 。
The fundamental objective of marketing is to create value.It does this in two ways,within the organization by making a contribution at different levels of the firm.And outside of the organization by creating value for customers.Marketing plays this role by bring the voice of the customer into organization.This note describes each of these aspects of marketing beginning with how marketing makes a contribution within the firm.And ended with two typical marketing strategies to deal with newproduct development.
Journal of Technical Economics & Management