本文从工业品进出口结构变化、外商直接投资结构变化、经济体制环境和资源配置格局变化等方面分析了加入WTO后我国工业结构变动面临的综合性影响。从总体上说 ,加入WTO将促进我国技术密集型产业的发展和工业结构的升级 ,但在不同的阶段有不同的影响趋势和特点。全方位开放对工业结构变动的综合性影响 ,在加入WTO至2 0 0 5年的过渡期期间将继续保持积极态势 ,2 0 0 5— 2 0 1 0年期间可能处于相对稳定状态 ,而到 2 0 1 0— 2 0 2
This paper analyzes the comprehensive influence that China's industrial structure change will face after WTO accession from changing of manufactured goods import and export structure, FDI structure, economic system environment and resource allocation pattern. WTO accession will promote development of the densely technological industry and upgrading of industrial structure in general, but will produce different effects in different periods. The comprehensive influence on the industrial structure change will continue positive tendency before 2005, and maintain relative stable situation during 2005-2010, and become an advantageous trend during 2010-2020.
China Industrial Economics