

Clinical Application of Multi-slice CT in Cerebral Vascular Image
摘要 目的 :探讨多层螺旋CT脑血管成像的方法与临床应用价值。方法 :对 18例病人用西门子Sensa tion 4四层螺旋CT机按照CT脑血管成像参数进行扫描 ,然后将所获图像数据导入CT 3D工作站 ,利用后处理软件———MPR、MIP、SSD、VRT、CTVE进行成像 ,由两位放射科医生和两位内科医生对图像进行分析。结果 :18例中 ,正常 8例 ,脑动脉瘤 1例 ,血管狭窄 3例 ,动静脉畸形 2例 ,脑肿瘤 4例。几种后处理软件———MPR、MIP、SSD、VRT都能清楚地显示脑血管 ,尤其以MIP效果最好 ;CTVE的优势在于显示血管腔内情况。结论 :多层螺旋CT脑血管成像具有安全、无创、准确的优点 ,可部分替代DSA。 Objective: To study the method and clinical application value of multi-slice CT in cerebral vascular image.Methods:18 cases were performed with the Siemens Sensation 4 four-slice spiral CT, according to the parameters of CT brain blood vessel resemble to scan, then the row date was transmitted to the CT 3 D work station, Source images were processed by post-processing software- the MPR, MIP, SSD, VRT, CTVE . All of images were analysed by 2 radiologists and 2 physician .Results:The cases included normal (n=8), brain aneurysm(n=1), vessel stenosis (n=3),arteriovenous abnormality(n=2), brain tumor(n=4). Several kinds of post-processing software -the MPR, MIP, SSD, VRT could all show the brain blood vessel clearly, the MIP was the best among them . The CTVE has more advantages on that showing vessel cavities.Conclusion:Brain blood vessel resemble with multi-slice CT was a safe , noninvasive and accurate method in displaying brain blood vessel. It could even partly replace the DSA.
出处 《中西医结合心脑血管病杂志》 2003年第6期329-331,共3页 Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine on Cardio-Cerebrovascular Disease
关键词 多层螺旋CT 脑血管成像 临床应用 脑动脉瘤 血管狭窄 动静脉畸形 Multi-slice CT Cerebral vascular image Angiography
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